Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane

I'm off tomorrow night to visit my girls in Florida: two daughters, granddaughter and granddaughter on the way (eta Sept 26th). I can't wait to see them. This is the view of the beach very close to where one of them lives, and the other not far away. I believe this is also one of the places where the recent movie Marley & Me was shot.
In the meantime, I my head and heart are full from several provocative posts from you all. Ideas about art, self expression, womanhood, strength of identity and altruism are working away inside me. Unfortunately right now, it's just a confusing mess and nothing worth sharing. I hope to come up with worthwhile writings, or at least responses to your thoughtful challenges.


  1. A well deserved vacation, and timely, too! Enjoy your girls and the beach. I wish you sunsets and seafood, solace and laughter. We'll be here waiting for your return to hear all about it. Ciao

  2. Enjoy the time with your family, and all that sunshine.

  3. lucky you....I love florida !!!
    we vacation in seaside, you know where that is ?

    have a wonderful time !

  4. Jennifer, how wonderful for you to have a change of scenery and climate and most importantly to be with your girls.

    I hope that you have a lovely relaxing time, keep snapping, keep journalling, we await your future epistles....
    and so

    Happy Days

  5. Let it percolate in your thoughts while you're running or walking (or standing in the shower). It'll all sort itself out and you'll put everything together.

  6. I hope you have a wonderful trip and a terrific vacation. It will be nice to be with your girls. Enjoy it to the fullest.


Thanks for visiting. I love having you at my table with me.

Something About Sunsets

There is something about sunsets that always makes me melancholy.  Dylan Thomas whispers in my ears.  "Do not go gentle into that goo...