Saturday, July 25, 2009


Aren't Saturdays just the BEST day of the week? I am in love with the day from the first moment I open my eyes and its realization sprinkles on me like a fine waterfall. I do not have to go to work. It is a day to set aside "routine" and "required." I have a all the opportunity and possibilities of a day opening ahead of me like a light filled forest path. I can do whatever I want. Just now, typing on my computer in my sunroom, a hummingbird fed off the Bee Balm just outside the window. But, my camera was just out of reach. I had to halfway get up to get my fingers around the strap, and I scared it off. Here are the flowers it just visited. There is the old sailboat my husband has just restored. See, just there through the sunroom door? We were going to head out to Lake Winnipesaukee this morning, the biggest lake in the State. The sailboat is not quite ready yet, though. There are a lot of fittings, lines, sheets, etc. on a sail boat, I guess. The engine is not running right yet, either. Soon! My husband is working diligently. We are both looking forward to exploring a new area and sailing on our own little craft. I am excited to practice my new found sailing abilities. Yet, since this is SATURDAY - I don't mind. Instead, I get to write, visit, cook, bake, swim, and clean all of the mud out of my bed and bedroom floor from the dogs.


  1. Hello Jennifer

    enjoy your day of rest and choosing...

    I have to confess that all my days are Saturdays, but I too especially love Saturday as it is my sleep in day...

    Your flower shot is a very lovely - macro glistening...

    Happy days

  2. Hurray, hurrah! Sounds like a perfect day. Is Sunday as big a blessing? (I like the new banner and have reread your self-description. I just refuse to believe that you're not creative, no matter how analytical you might be).

  3. Sailing. Sounds perfectly wonderful. So too does Saturday. It's Sunday night now. A whole week to wait.

  4. Lovely post! The top photo of the flower is gorgeous. I hope you fully enjoyed your Saturday! xo

  5. Sailboat? Very nifty. When do you get to sail?

  6. Hello! I came over to thank you for joining my club and have been met by a host of goodies, wonderful photographs-I especially love the rocks, beautiful formations and striarations.
    And on top of that, great writing.
    I shall, of course, be back.


Thanks for visiting. I love having you at my table with me.

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