Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thoughts for Those Who are Ill and Recovering

Here we are, a February day in New Hampshire, and it is so warm that the heavy participation is falling as rain instead of the usual snow.  It's been raining so hard that most of the snow is gone.  This is the kind of weather we usually have in April!  So, it's raw and dreary, and I have a headcold.  I'm never sick, and feeling less that 100% is just plain strange.  It's almost like I am experiencing myself as some sort of strange experiment: "And here was have an example of 'sick.'"

And yet it isn't.  I am not really ILL.  These moments of slight discomfort will go away all by themselves.  In a few days, the stuffy, foggy headed feeling will be forgotten, not even a memory, because my fortunate, healthy me will be back at it and going along - living - and (hopefully not) taking it all for granted. 

What I do NOT forget is that there are so many others who ARE ill, or have suffered hard through illness and recovered: Renee, Maggie May, Barry, Janine.  And so many more. 

My thoughts and prayers are with you.  This is for you.

(kuddleyteddybear2004 - Flickr)

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