Friday, April 16, 2010

It always amazes me how miraculous Nature is, and how tenaciously living things persist in their existence.

It snowed a bit here this morning.  Yet, the early grass, leaves and blossoms appear to be taking it in stride.  It is not unusual for it to snow in April, and Nature in this area is not quelled by it.  Delicate flowers and infant sprouts bend under the weight of damp snow, but do not die.

They seem to me to be saying, "I am here, and I will remain and grow no matter what you throw at me."


  1. good words for humans to live by ....

  2. "I am here, and I will remain and grow no matter what you throw at me."

    Sounds like me. Or at least what I want to be.

    John Irving has a new book? His last one I couldn't get through. I hope you will post what you think of this one. And thanks for visiting me. A tad busy, so will be a better follower in the future.


Thanks for visiting. I love having you at my table with me.

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