Sunday, April 26, 2009

Will be back soon. My computer died on Friday - rather the light in the monitor dimmed to unuseable. I've been trying to get it's replacement since. I spent quite a bit of time driving around to get the one I wanted. I think the only one in the entire state was in Seabrook! JUST got home with it. Still setting it up - but it's time to go to bed. I missed everyone this weekend!


  1. Ah the things we have to do...good to see you back tho'
    happy days

  2. coming in the side door from Delwyn's blog - thanks for the dance around. Love the dog :)

  3. I see Delwin has been here already. We can sit and chat awhile, but you must have things to do after the running around. I like your idea about finally contemplating.


Thanks for visiting. I love having you at my table with me.

Something About Sunsets

There is something about sunsets that always makes me melancholy.  Dylan Thomas whispers in my ears.  "Do not go gentle into that goo...