Thursday, May 7, 2009

Discovered Signs

I had to travel for work today. I decided to take the back way to see what I could see. I thought this was the most interesting road name I've ever seen. There must be a story! Unfortunately, so far my Internet searches have not given me any clues.
Across the street from Devil Steps Road is an historic marker:
If you click on the picture, it will blow up large enough to easily read the sign. Molly Stark was the wife of a Revolutionary War general, and this house served as a hospital during the war. Molly herself was made famous by her husband's remark before a battle in Vermont, "There are the Redcoats," was his battle cry just prior to the battle that morning, "and they are ours, or this night Molly Stark sleeps a widow."
The American's won that significant battle which is believed to have led to the surrender of the British general Burgoyne in Saratoga, New York two months later. It is believed that General Stark is responsible for New Hampshire's state motto: "Live Free Or Die."


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    Street signs are often very intriguing as are directional signs. I have a post ready to publish about my walk to Hell's Gates..

    Perhaps your devil's steps are in the same direction! It sounds as if they belong together...

    Happy photographing days

  2. I love the hidden stories that are lying around on small roads in the country. Historical markers especially--a fave of mine, too.

    Have a lovely weekend. ♥

  3. I don't know how long or often or if it was a one-time visit, your coming to my blog. But my roots are in New Hampshire/New England. My mom was born in dad in Worcester. They 'emigrated' out here to the NW after WWII. Anyway, I thought I'd let you know one of my ancestors is Hannah Dustin... I was told by my great-grandfather the spelling was "Dustin" but I guess that's not known for sure. I love historical markers, just as I enjoy walking thru cemeteries when the opportunity arises - funerals, of which we've been to plenty the past couple of years!! Reading old tombstones is so interesting. Oh, and a great street sign here? "Where Else Lane", ha!


Thanks for visiting. I love having you at my table with me.

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