Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Big Day

Today is an exciting day.  One of my daughters is arriving by plane today - and she is not going back!  She is moving back to New England.  No, sadly, she is not moving in with me.  My daughter and her family are going to live in Massachusetts with my Mother, a shorter commute to Boston where her fiance has a new job.  But she is now only an hour away, instead of 1600 miles and a half day airplane ride away in Florida!  Plus, she (with granddaughter Sophie and fiance Joe) might come up to my house on the weekends!

Photos on next post....  

1 comment:

  1. happy to hear that :)
    hi Jennifer, hope all is well, been a looooong time. Thanks so much for always being there with me through that tough road <3
    stop by and say hi at my new corner :)


Thanks for visiting. I love having you at my table with me.

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